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Organizing Your Petition for an Order of Protection
Victims of Crime Topics

This content was last updated on 1/13/2025
How to organize what you put in your Petition for an Order of Protection
This is the information that you will need when you ask for an Order of Protection. In each instance of abuse or stalking, you need to describe:
Say who abused or stalked you. Also say who was there to see it. It’s OK if it was only you and the Respondent during the abuse. - you don't have to have a witness.
Talk about how the Respondent abused or stalked you. Be specific about details that you can remember. For example, if the Respondent hit you, say where they hit you on your body. If the Respondent threatened you, say what they said and how it made you feel.
Be as specific as possible about the time the abuse happened. Try to remember the date, day of the week, and time. If it happened around a holiday or special event, say that. Don’t worry if you can’t remember every detail. That’s normal when there is trauma. If it is hard to remember details because of trauma, you need to say that in your petition.
Be specific. Write where the abuse or stalking happened. For example, if the Respondent abused you in a specific room, say what room it was. Or say where you were when the Respondent stalked you.
What you felt?
You can write how you felt both physically and emotionally. For example, if you were scared for your life during the abuse, threats of abuse or stalking, describe that in your Petition. You can also describe physical pain you felt because of the abuse.